NPAR 2009

NPAR 2009 is coming up in a few weeks. This is my favorite time of year because a lot of freely available papers on the latest research in NPR are released. An unofficial schedule has been released on their website. If you are interested in the latest NPR research check out the schedule for the speakers and the set of papers being presented. Most of these papers are freely available (just google their title).

What I wish I didn't have to miss this year is the talk from Ubisoft about Prince of Persia. For those of you that haven't played the new Prince of Persia all you need to know is it makes extensive use of NPR. Jean-François, the lead programmer on the new Prince of Persia, will be giving a talk that focuses on NPR while outlining the game's three year development cycle.

I hope they release a summary of the talk on ACM SIGGRAPH because I am tired of photorealism in games and want to see NPR take a hold. Besides that, NPR in games is one of my main interests.

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